About us Clinical Wallet

Vestigo Health Solutions We are an innovative team with over 45 cumulative years of healthcare education consulting experience and solution-focused insight. Knowing programs strive for excellence in preparing practice-ready healthcare professionals, we developed our Clinical Wallet™ mobile software to simplify document compliance and maintenance. Clinical Wallet™ is an app and web-based cloud storage management solution that reduces the time-consuming administrative tasks of managing student compliance and document storage.  Learn more about our affiliate technology-TracPrac: Automate Clinical Tracking and Evaluation.   

Our Target

We are committed to solving customer challenges and exceeding expectations for a more streamlined approach to preparing students for clinical success.

Our Mission

Our mission for Clinical Wallet is to deliver innovative mobile solutions to meet the needs for clinical education health and safety requirements.

Our Values 




Our Philosophy

We value the trust of our customers and program partnerships to continuously support healthcare clinical education with efficient digital solutions that make an impact in the quality and safe patient care of our communities.